Being a 'Sensorial Perception Detective', I just couldn't resist on accepting the offer of being part of the coach-team facilitating C2 labs at the IMEX exhibition in Frankfurt this year!
"We believe that everyone is creative. We believe in the power of emotion. We believe that when great minds connect, great things happen" says C2. This is so much in line with my belief and philosophy that I could have written this myself!
C2 challenges the Thinking-process by proposing 'out of this world environments'. Being in an unusual place helps digging further into ones thoughts and unlocking the unconscious mind. "Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" was already the definition of insanity by Albert Einstein!
This is the thought that inspired me to -for example- deal with the Lego Serious Play methodology in my workshops and coachings and the thought that made me accept C2's exceptional offer!
- Brainstorming in 10m height? => C2 Sky Lab - Event fatigue? Find out how to inspire and innovate to move the industry forward
- Group Discussion in a pitch black room? => C2 In the Dark Lab - Trending now! What current trends are driving permanent shifts in our industry?
Looking forward to seeing you!