It's all about Social Sensing

MULTISENSING+, Agnès Wiegand
Mohammad Yunus - Social Business

It's all about sensing others' needs!

I spent a very inspiring afternoon at the Schloss Freudenberg in Wiesbaden (a place to sense the senses👅👂👃👁🖐)!


Last Saturday, Nobel Peace Laureate Mohammad Yunus shared his story of the Grameen Bank foundation and his continuous fight against poverty. Starting with a 'social' need (poor people needing a credit, but not obtaining any) he created a product to solve this need (micro loans)! His first thought was not to make money, but to solve a social problem.


The whole afternoon was all about 'Social Business', seen as -in the long run- a business model enabling less poverty, a better togetherness and ultimately an increased life-balance! (touching the sense of life 🤝)


Thanks to all the speakers and the great moderation.
#inspiration #business #socialbusiness