When it comes to buying, 5% of our decision is conscious, the rest (95%!) is subconscious.
So what are these 95% about? They could be described as an automated reaction of previously stored memories (behaviour response).
For example; anything/anyone smelling like my mother's perfume, may automatically make me feel secure and soothed. The response is immediate (automatic) and linked to comforting childhood memories (emotions, behaviour). I may not even be aware of these, as these are stored in my unconscious emotional mind.
So, how does that apply to our purchasing behaviour?
- A product rarely stands alone; it is an interplay of many different sensory elements (fragrance, colour, packaging, name, texture,...).
- Each sensory element stimulates an emotion (love, happiness, fear, disgust …) and thus automated reactions (attraction, rejection,...).
- Consumers perceive products through all their senses and decide by the means of all emotional and automated reactions subconsciously perceived.
Expectation (look) => processing visual cues
(packaging, name, colour, product promise);
stimulates the consumer's emotional mind and creates a very clear picture of the (imaginative) product sensory and (imaginative) product performance [first emotional response, first automated reaction/decision] -
Perception (sense) => processing real perception of the sensory
cues (fragrance, texture, foaming, stickiness,...);
stimulates an emotional response AND an immediate coherence check towards (1) Expectations and thus creates an emotional state of belief (coherent synergy) or disappointment (sensorial dissonance) [second emotional response, first automated reaction/decision]
- Each purchase decision is supported and initiated by our sensory perception (imaginative or real) at all times (all sensory touch points).
- The more senses are activated, the stronger the product emotionality (consumer seduction).
- Purchase intent is enhanced when all sensory cues build a coherent emotional synergy (successful multi-sensory experience).
- Choose the multi-sensorial purchasing path and check your products' sensorial synergy right from beginning of your development.
MULTISENSING+, Agnès Wiegand, Sensory Branding Consultancy | Research